The information below is a series of links to the workshop schedule, lessons covered during the workshop and helpful links.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Elementary, Middle, High - RCRV: Pass the Salt and the Dense Seas (zip file)
High - RVRV: A Sea of Data & Outreach Recommendations (zip file)
Middle and High - GMO: Better Bananas
Gene Editing Team Worksheet
Transgenesis Team Worksheet
Curriculum Guide
DNA to RNA Translation Cheat Sheet
Gene Editing and Transgenesis Activity Definitions
Gene List for Gene Pool
Possible Outcomes Teacher Cheat Sheet
GMO Labeling
Strawberry Extraction Instructions
Banana DNA Extraction
Middle - Genetics
Murder Mystery Teacher Guide
High - Sea Ice
Presentation (large file)
High School Tracking Ice Student Workbook
High School Tracking Ice Teacher Package
Resources (zip file)
Elementary - Genetics
SpongeBob Genetics Teacher Guide
SpongeBob Genetics Worksheet
Alien Genetics Teacher Guide
Alien Genetics Lab
High - Oligotrophic Ocean (NSF support from grants OCE-1436865 and DEB 1639033)
Marine Microbiology in the Oligotrophic Ocean
Data Sheet Students
Data Sheet Teachers
Fact Sheet - Abiotic Factors
Fact Sheet - Heterotrophs
Fact Sheet - Phytoplankton
Fact Sheet - Viruses
Oligotrophic Lesson Plan
Oligotrophic Worksheet
Oligotrophic - Full Color
Oligotrophic - Print Friendly
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Field Trip Day
Group 1:
Food Science, Cheese
Group 2:
Stahlbush Island Farms
Food Science, Sensory
Rickreall Dairy
Airlie Winery
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Oregon Community Foundation
SMILE Updates
Ideal-logic SMILE Teacher Help Guide
Elementary, Middle - Ocean Engineering (zip file)
High - Stream Physics
Stream Physics ATW PowerPoint
Siletz Mill Creek JH PowerPoint
Grain Size Distribution from Pebble Counts
Module Unit Discharge
Siletz Class Data Sheet
Siletz Pebble Count Worksheet
First-Year Teacher Workshop
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
SMILE Overview PowerPoint
Activities (zip file)