High School Challenge

On-Campus STEM Activities


SMILE's High School Challenge is a two-day event where students from the SMILE clubs across the state come together to work through a complex STEM-based problem.  The event is held on both the Western Oregon University and Oregon State University campuses. This event also provides students an opportunity to experience life on a college campus first-hand and see labs and research being done.

   2023 Dates

The Challenge will take place over two days at Western Oregon University and Hatfield Marine Science Center

  • Dates: April 18-19 at Western Oregon University and Hatfield Marine Science Center

Previous High School Challenge Dates

April 25-26, 2019

Due to climate change and over population, humans are leaving Earth to colonize Rare Air 23, a nearby planet that can support life.  Learning about food modification techniques teams needed to create viable food sources for Rare Air 23 and feed the quickly growing human population. The first day was at Western Oregon University and the second day students were at both WOU and Oregon State University.

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April 26-27, 2018

For the 2018 Challenge, students programmed their Edison Robots to travel to different locations on a map of the ocean floor. The Challenge took place over two days. The first day was at Western Oregon University and the second day students were at both WOU and Oregon State University.


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April 27-28, 2017

For the 2017 Challenge, students learned how advances in technology are creating more sustainable communities and then applied that knowledge to try to survive new and more unforgiving habitats in the interactive, team-based game Exoplanet 1061! The Challenge took place over two days. The first day was at Western Oregon University and the second day students were at both WOU and Oregon State University.

Read a feature story about the 2016 Middle School Challenge and check out photos from the event!

Read Story   View Photos

Become a Volunteer Mentor

We are looking for OSU students to volunteer to be team mentors for the Challenge Days. Mentors will help encourage small groups of high school students as they work through the Challenge. The time commitment for volunteers is a one-hour training the week before the Challenge, plus commit to at least one of the two Challenge days. Transportation to Western Oregon University will be provided.


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