Virtual Family Math and Science Night

For Students, Teachers, & Communities
Now until January 7, 2022

Join Us!

You can follow along with us in class or at home using supply kits provided by your SMILE teacher, or if you are not part of a SMILE club use the material lists below to gather everything you need. We also have online challenges you can try anytime! Complete any 4 activities or challenges by January 7, 2022 and submit the PASSPORT form to win a prize.

Connect with Padlet

Show everyone what you have done by posting to the community padlet.

Padlet Page Link


PASSPORT and Prizes

Complete any 4 activities or challenges by January 7, 2022 and submit the PASSPORT form to win a prize.

Passport Web Form

VFMSN Activity Instructions and Material Lists

  1. Camouflage Frogs (elementary)
    Video (YouTube)
    Frog Outline (JPG)
    Fabric with Outline (JPG)

  2. Gummy Bear Osmosis (elementary)
    Gummy Bear Osmosis Video (YouTube)
    Osmosis con Osos de Gomita ​​​​​​​(YouTube)
    Gummy Bear Data Tables (PDF)
    Materials (JPG)

  3. Cartesian Diver (elementary)
    Video ​​​​​​​(YouTube)
    Materials (JPG)

  4. Expanding Universe (elementary)
    Video ​​​​​​​(YouTube)
    Expanding Universe Data Table (PDF)
    Materials (JPG)