Science Icons drawn on chalk board

These lessons cover STEM topics for grades 4-12. Many of them include options for advanced students. Additionally, the lessons meet Next Generation Science Standards. Another resource is the Common Core Standards for Oregon.

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Lesson Titlesort ascending Lesson Summary Subject Grade Level
Nanocrystalline Solar Cell In this lesson students will construct and learn about nanocrystalline solar cells. Energy, Engineering, Renewable Energy High School (9-12)
Mystery of the Disappearing Pteropods: Dude Where's My Shell Students will recognize and identify patterns within the population of pteropods, analyze the patterns and create a claim about what is happening Biology, Climate Change, Marine Elementary (4-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Modeling Human Impact on Earth's Carbon Cycle The lesson provides some basic background information about climate change and the Earth Labs “Climate and the Carbon Cycle” lesson provides a more detailed background. Climate Change High School (9-12)
Modeling Human Impact on Earth's Carbon Cycle This model focuses on the global carbon cycle and tracks how carbon moves from anthropogenic sources (human caused) to the atmosphere and then to the oceans and land. Ecology, Marine High School (9-12)
Mission Submersible Students will design and build a working model of a launch and recovery system from a set of everyday items. Engineering, Marine Elementary (4-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Microbial Fuel Cell These activities will help you walk your students through two major principles involved in fuel cell creation. They will learn what a battery is and how energy can come from in living organisms. Bioenergy, Chemistry, Energy High School (9-12)
Mice and Munchies In this lesson students will explore interrelationships and adaptations between prey and predators. Students will also determine features of competition between animals in aa habitat. Biology, Ecology Elementary (4-5)
Methods of Food Modification This activity introduces students to the multiple ways foods have been or can be modified, either naturally or with human intervention. Bioenergy Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Marine Osteoporosis In this lesson students learn about the effects of acidic oceans on certain marine organisms and the causes of ocean acidification. Biology, Climate Change, Ecology, Marine Elementary (4-5)
Making the Plants We Eat Students learn about why farmers/plant scientists would want to improve traits. Biology, Ecology Elementary (4-5)
