Science Icons drawn on chalk board

These lessons cover STEM topics for grades 4-12. Many of them include options for advanced students. Additionally, the lessons meet Next Generation Science Standards. Another resource is the Common Core Standards for Oregon.

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Lesson Titlesort descending Lesson Summary Subject Grade Level
Acidification Demo In this lesson students observe first hand CO2 being absorbed into water. Biology, Climate Change, Ecology, Marine Elementary (4-5)
All About Owls In this lesson students learn about the physical and behavioral adaptations of owls, and how these adaptations help them survive. Students will also learn how these adaptations affect what they eat. Biology, Ecology Elementary (4-5)
Analyzing a Leaf Pack In this lesson students will examine the leaf packs created in ‘Biodiversity in a Leaf Pack’ lesson to discover which macroinvertebrates live in their local stream ecosystem. Biology, Ecology Elementary (4-5)
Analyzing Insect Data Students in this lesson will analyze biodiversity data, and make inferences about local biodiversity. Biology Elementary (4-5), Middle School (6-8)
Biodiversity in a Leaf Pack In this lesson students will make artificial leaf packs to create a model habitat for freshwater macroinvertebrates to determine which organism are present in each microhabitat. Biology, Ecology Elementary (4-5)
Bioenergy Farm Game In this lesson students learn about the pros and cons of various biofuel crops. How these crops help or hurt the environment, and how a farmer benefits from growing biofuel crops. Bioenergy, Biology High School (9-12)
Birds In this lesson students will learn about birds, their habitat, adaptations, and begin to identify birds. Biology Elementary (4-5)
Bloom in a Bottle In this lesson, students will conduct different experiments to learn about the best mixtures compounds for phytoplankton growth. Biology, Climate Change Elementary (4-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
BrainDance Students in this lesson learn about the developmental movements patterns to benefit from the BrainDance. Biology Elementary (4-5), Middle School (6-8)
BrainSTEM Game In this lesson students will be test on previous knowledge about science, technology, engineering, and math as it relates to bioenergy. Bioenergy, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Engineering Middle School (6-8)
