Forest Grove SMILE Club in Homecoming parade

Forest Grove High School SMILE Club Tests Mass of Gingerbread Houses
SMILE students using both their art and their engineering skills to build gingerbread houses judged on beauty and the amount of mass they could hold without damage.  Winner of mass was 24kg.  Winner of beauty had gummy wreaths and also tied for second place of strength.  Happy Holidays of SMILE!







Forest Grove High School SMILE Club Celebrates Homecoming
Forest Grove SMILE joined the Viking homecoming parade for the very first time ever.  SMILE members spent one meeting planning and making signs and banners to decorate Mr Gray's truck and then added flourishing touches of Beaver gear and ribbon on the day of the parade.  The parade runs from the district office, through downtown Forest Grove and ends at the high school on the day of the homecoming football game.  The students chose the OSU black and orange theme for their float, wore lab coats and goggles and threw candy during the route. 

Forest Grove High School SMILE Club Learns Science of Pancakes
"Uncle Zeke Becomes a Chemist" is an investigative learning SMILE activity that is a perennial favorite.  Students are challenged to make the fluffiest pancakes ever after reading the sad story of Uncle Zeke who tries (and fails) to replicate his dear wife's pancakes. Using various powders and liquids, students have a blast cooking and tasting their creations AND learn some science in the meantime.  This is a meeting that starts with 15 SMILE members and ends somehow with forty some students in the room, lots of laughter and pancake batter everywhere.