Students observing water sample test at outdoor campThe Stream Webs Field and Classroom Watershed Investigation Curriculum is designed to help formal and non-formal educators use Stream Webs as a platform to conduct meaningful, field-based, student-driven investigations that continue in the classroom. The desired outcomes are:

  • Provide science inquiry-based opportunities for students to work collaboratively in the field in ways similar to scientists;
  • Understand that science doesn’t only happen in a lab or classroom;
  • Design their own investigative question and research plan;
  • Collect data;
  • Learn how to look for patterns and changes in their data;
  • Make logical conclusions based upon their data;
  • Answer or refine their investigative question and/or research plan;
  • Understand what the data indicate for their stream over time.

This curriculum is funded from a grant from Sea Grant. A link to the full unit can be download below, or by downloading a pdf via the Sea Grant website here.

Grade Level Range: 
Elementary (4-5)
Middle School (6-8)
High School (9-12)